Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Do snakes drink milk?

A while ago I was browsing through an old newspaper microfilm - I am sure it was The Sydney Mail (1860) but don't quote me on that - and I found an interesting article which told the story of a mother, who had just finished feeding her baby, had laid it down to sleep and returned soon after to see a snake licking milk off her baby's lips.  Of course she freaked - as would I. Fortunately the baby was unharmed  but I'm not too sure about the snake. It was a while ago.

The same article mentioned an old bushman's tale about snakes crawling up the legs of cattle to drink from their udders.  I was intrigued and mentioned both stories to my mother - thinking I would surprise/shock or at least make her go Ugh!!!  She was neither surprised nor shocked and in fact told me that my Grandfather (her father-in-law) always put a bowl of milk out on the verandah if he thought there was a snake anywhere around the house. The milk attracted the snake and my Grandfather dealt with it.  My Grandparents lived on a grazing property 21 miles from Guyra and snakes were one of the hazards one had to be aware of.  I almost walked on one once.

I was telling my colleagues this fascinating tale and decided to do a Google search to back up my story.  Imagine my chagrin when it appeared that milk drinking snakes were considered to be myths.  How could this be true? It was in the newspaper wasn't it?  My Mum said my Grandfather trapped snakes with milk - didn't he?  Was this all a lie? Oh no!!!!!!!!!

Imagine my relief when I found some proof to back me up.  The Sydney Morning Herald on 2 Dec 1950 had an account of just such a milk drinking snake.  Phew.  I breathe again.

If anyone is interested in the article you can check it out here.


1 comment:

  1. I try to think where I've heard similar story but can't find my source. Anyway all myths have some truth in it, I think. But not sure if I saw a snake (hope never) what would I do or I should put milk faraway from home to protect myself?
